What Are the Symptoms of Chlamydia?

Chlamydia is an STD that can affect men, women, and even children. You can contract chlamydia through oral, anal, or vaginal sex with an individual who already has the condition. In some cases, a pregnant woman can pass chlamydia on to her child through birth control pills. However, men can also acquire the disease if they have multiple partners. And, if a woman is infected and is not treated, she can be jeopardizing her unborn child as well as transmitting the disease to another individual in her household.

Chlamydia can cause a number of symptoms, including discharge from the penis, abdomen, or vagina. A few different types of symptoms include not only painful urination but also burning and itching around the affected area. If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to kidney infections, and, in severe cases, even death. If you think you might have been exposed to a chlamydia infection, see a doctor so that he or she can perform a test to confirm the diagnosis.

Most people tend to think that getting chlamydia can only happen inside of a woman’s vagina. This assumption is true, but you can also get chlamydia outside of the vagina. Chlamydia can often spread through anal sex, oral sex, and even through blood transfusions. Because this condition often goes untreated, it can be widespread all over the country. So, if you are sexually active, you need to know the best way to get chlamydia symptoms treated.

The most common way to get chlamydia is through sexual contact with a partner who is currently infected or has a previous infection. Unprotected sexual contact, even between people who use protection, is the most likely way to get chlamydia. If you believe that you have been exposed to an infected partner, you should tell your partner immediately so that he or she can seek medical care right away. Some people assume that they can go straight home and practice safe sex; however, this is not a smart idea, as many people who have been infected do not show symptoms for up to six months. So, if you have sexual contact with one partner and assume that you will not get chlamydia, you might find yourself in serious trouble down the road.

Some of the symptoms you might experience include painful urination, vaginal discharge, and an odd odor around the vagina. You may also feel some weakness or fatigue after having sex. However, these symptoms are not the only indicators of chlamydia. Other symptoms related to infections caused by the STD may include bone pain or tenderness, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, and abdominal pain. Have a peek here for more.

If you think that you may have an infection, talk to your doctor right away. They will perform a simple physical examination and take a swab from the inside of the vagina. Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics; however, untreated chlamydia may require hospitalization and can lead to infertility. Untreated chlamydia may also lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, (PID), or gonorrhea. Pelvic inflammatory disease can lead to infertility as well as pelvic inflammatory disease and gonorrhea.