Want to be a Construction Manager? Here’s How

The construction sector has experienced drastic changes in the past decades. New technologies come up each day, and most governments are now investing heavily in infrastructural developments. That’s not all! The rising need for construction managers is also worth a mention. With the high numbers of construction projects, these are handy professionals in most construction companies. However, you require a host of skills and expertise to work as a construction manager.

Here are the steps to becoming a construction manager.

1. Get a bachelor’s degree.

Most construction managers begin their careers after completing an undergraduate course in construction-related subjects. With such an award, you can undertake various construction projects and transform project resources into finished products.

Moreover, you can get additional training in building science and civil engineering. This adds to your resume and enhances your job prospects. After graduation, you also need to join an internship program to furnish you with the necessary skills and experience, making it easier to land a job.

2. Secure an entry-level construction job

As you undertake your degree course, get a construction job to gain construction experience. Consider jobs like; flooring, masonry, painting, or roofing. You can also apply for a job in an industrial supplier company. And this will equip you with information on the different products and equipment used in construction projects. A degree certificate coupled with experience gives you an edge over other job applicants.

3. Gain experience

Working as a constriction manager necessitates lots of experience. You can only gain this through working as an intern or a construction management assistant. The work experience will provide you with first-hand information on the operations in construction sites. Moreover, most construction companies offer additional training to fresh graduates.

4. Get certified

You require certification by the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) to work as a construction manager. However, you have to meet specific requirements regarding work experience.

For instance, you need about four years of experience in construction management. With this, you can apply to take a test and get certified. If you don’t have a degree, you require eight years of construction experience and an additional four years working as a construction manager.

What’s more? Construction managers should also submit ongoing recertification after every three years. You can only attempt the certification test thrice, after which you’ll be disqualified and barred from certification.

5. Enroll for a master’s degree

A master’s degree is an excellent way of advancing your career as a construction manager. Some of the specialization course and application areas to consider are;

  • Construction materials &Methods
  • Labor relations
  • Construction safety
  • Public policy
  • Construction management practices.

6. Choose a niche

There are different specialization areas in construction management. It’s not a must that you work as a general construction manager; choose any niche that matches your interests. Some of the fields include working as a senior claim analyst, civil engineer, designer, building inspector, contact manager, and more.

Final thoughts

Construction management is an exciting career that attracts learners from all parts of the world. To succeed as a construction manager, join an accredited school for your degree program. Also, seek an internship immediately and undertake other short construction courses.