What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is the treatment of a disease by administering a minimal dose of natural substances that in a healthy person would actually produce symptoms of the disease. According to Dr. Pawan Kumar who is a homeopathy doctor practicing in Kukatpally, Hyderabad, it’s an alternate medicinal practice that uses nano-doses of a lively ingredient to assist treat a disease, albeit the active ingredient is the one contributing to the illness within the first place. It works on the concept of “like cures like”.

The active ingredients utilized in homeopathy are plant, animal or mineralbased. Commonly used ingredients include fresh or dried herbs, activated carbon, vinegar, garlic, caffeine, etc. The active ingredients from these substances are extracted in specific ways and processed into tablets, ointments, gels, and drops which are prescribed by specialized doctors according to the needs of a patient.

How Does Homeopathy Work?

Does it cause you to wonder why using an ingredient to treat illnesses or health issues works when that exact same ingredient is what caused the problem? “The philosophy behind this method of treatment is that it helps stimulate the body’s disease prevention system, thus assisting it to heal itself. The body has its own innate ability to heal itself, and therefore the practice of homeopathy triggers this response with its ingredients.” Says Dr. Vishal who is a Hyderabad based homeopathy doctor.

One of the most guiding principles of homeopathy is that the treatments must be highly individualized. It depends on the person’s specific symptoms, medical and lifestyle history, and lastly, body parameters. As an example, if two people are taking the treatment for any illness, they will receive totally different treatments from their homeopathic doctors due to their unique requirements and assessment of how their bodies are expected to reply. What sets this mode of treatment apart is that a person’s personality and emotions are vital. Therefore, be ready for your homeopathic doctor to possess an in-depth talk with you about your stress levels, personal traits, relationships, and case history. People respond differently to different doses of homeopathic medicines, and a few may have higher doses of medicines counting on what their current situation is.

Homeopathic remedies like minerals, herbs, or animal-origin products are processed to a particular concentration counting on the person’s needs. additionally to getting an entire understanding of the patient, supporting laboratory tests also are conducted. The lab results are always considered in light of the patient’s symptoms, needs, and history. The objective is to supply holistic treatment to the patient.

The History of Homeopathy

Founded within the late 18th century by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, it’s coined from the terms “homoios”, which in Greek means similar and “pathos”, which suggests suffering, pertaining to the principle of the ‘law of similars’ that’s the idea of the treatment in homeopathy. As an example, an onion makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you’re having an attack of pollinosis with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made up of onion can relieve it.

Another guideline for administering homeopathic medicine is to prescribe the smallest amount of drugs needed to evoke a healing response. This is often called the ‘minimum dose’. Medicines are successively diluted to the purpose where they’re therapeutic, but not redundant. This philosophy of administering medicine has been around since the time of the Mayans, Chinese, Greeks, Native American Indians, and Asian Indians. Hahnemann systematically codified the principles and gave them the structure we recognize today.

What Is Utilized in The Preparation of Homeopathic Medicines?

There are various sources for homeopathic medicines. Most of them are made from flowers, roots, and leaves of plants. Chemicals like vitriol and aqua fortis also form the basic of some preparations. Many minerals and metals like gold, silver, zinc, tin, and iron also are utilized in the formulations. Some microbes, bacteria, and viruses also are utilized in the preparation of certain medicines.

Homeopathy in Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is when an individual is in a constant state of worry and is unable to relax. Small things can keep them jittery for several days. People that suffer chronic anxiety, worry, and exhibit tension even if there’s nothing to react to. They always anticipate things going wrong and worry excessively about money, health, work, and family, etc. Sometimes there are physical manifestations like fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, aches, difficulty swallowing, shaking, twitching, irritability, sweating, and hot flashes.

Depression is dangerous because it is often difficult to spot the symptoms within the initial stages. People tend to overlook it as a mere low-mood or think it’s a part of their psychological nature. Friends and family even have difficulty identifying the condition. Conventional medicines fail to treat depression or adequate results aren’t seen. The dosage and therefore the number of medicines is just increased. This case of “polypharmacy” may worsen the condition, and not relieve it.

Homeopathy offers solutions to anxiety disorders and depression by understanding physical and psychological reasons for the patient’s symptoms. A remedy that most accurately fits the general scope of symptoms, which helps them to experience a far better state of health on all levels is usually recommended. There are effective treatments to depression in homeopathy and they are individualized to every person’s specific condition and history. The results are effective, safe, and sometimes better than conventional treatments.