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The Following Dental Procedures Are Performed By General Dentists

The Following Dental Procedures Are Performed By General Dentists

These are the five most common dental procedures performed by general dentists. A person who is suffering from one of the five dental problems may be able to fix the problem with one of the five treatments. If you have a toothache or are just curious about what happens in the dentist’s office, here’s what you need to know.

Dental procedures that are common

The following five procedures need to be performed regularly by dentists:

1. Fillings

Dental fillings can restore damaged teeth. In addition to repairing damaged teeth, these materials also help repair broken teeth.

In the first instance, an experienced Kennewick dentist checks teeth experiencing pain for cavities and cracks. By using visual examinations and X-rays, this can be accomplished. A filling is necessary when the dentist determines that the tooth needs to be fixed.

A dentist will use a dental drill to remove the internal tooth cavities once the tooth has been numbed. After the tooth has been cleaned and a filling applied, it will be rinsed with water.

A patient’s dentist will be able to advise them on what type of filling is best for them. Gold, silver, porcelain, and dental resin fillings are available for patients.

Fillings are the most commonly performed dental procedure in the country because so many Americans suffer from minor dental decay.

2. Dental crowns

Dental crowns can be used to repair dentures that are severely decayed or damaged. Dentures are usually able to prevent tooth extractions with crowns as a dental restoration. Cosmetic imperfections can also be corrected with dentures.

A crown procedure usually requires two dentist appointments since it must be made in a dental office.

Unlike general dentists, some can manufacture dental crowns directly on site, allowing them to place them within one day.

A crown protects teeth from decay and infection by covering them completely.

3. Extraction of teeth

An extraction is necessary because the tooth is too damaged to be saved. Dentists remove impacted teeth when they can no longer pass through the gums. In addition, the dentist will remove a problematic wisdom tooth, which will continue to grow.

A dentist will need to remove an above-the-gum tooth when it is causing problems. Occasionally, minor oral surgery can result in problems under the gums after a tooth extraction.

4. Mouth implants

With dental implants, real teeth can be replaced permanently. Implanting a dental implant into a patient’s jawbone requires a small amount of oral surgery.

Although dental implants require several months and procedures to complete, they provide patients with permanent artificial teeth. An implant-supported crown or denture works just like a natural tooth.

5. Braces

The primary purpose of a brace is to reposition the teeth so they are cleanable and aesthetically pleasing. In addition to correcting bad bites, they can also improve speech and eating difficulties.

In today’s world, children younger than 18 are the majority of people wearing braces.

Dentists shouldn’t be afraid of dental procedures

Anesthesia allows you to have your teeth fixed without feeling any discomfort. You can rely on your general dentist to perform the procedure many times before, no matter what your dental problem is.

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